ABout Christopher

Christopher is a Channeler of Archangels, Dragons, & Ascended Masters. His primary reach is to spread the Higher Consciousness of the New Lemuria without distortion. The main way to physical manifest the reality of the New Lemuria, is by embodying the frequency of Lemurian Vortex Energy, found greatly within Mount Shasta. He & many High Vibrational Beings in Mount Shasta are aware of lower vibrational distortions intending to keep Humanity locked away in the lower realms. So he stands as a bold & bright representation of the Telos, showcasing embody the New Lemurian frequency accurately.

Christopher is deeply rooted in guiding Humanity towards the magnificent New Lemuria Paradigm, as love, compassion, & unity continue to flourish. With his unique healing modalities and fascinating high vibrational intuitive guidance, Christopher paves a beautiful illuminated path for humanity to unlock their true essence and accessing dormant DNA to embody the higher dimensions of 5th Dimensional Living.

Many Higher vibrational Masters channel through Christopher that true evidential transformation must occur as a conscious integration of the Higher Self in all aspects of everyday life. It is through the sacred space of containers Christopher’s abilities from Higher Realms shed the very evidence of this inclusion. He removes blockages in very rare & unique channelings, empowering the many to transcend all illusion of powerlessness of the 3D into raw power of one’s Sovereign Divinity, as one chooses into being sovereign into doing so to shift into with attentiveness & full-forward movement.

His presence in the Starseed community is a beacon of ever-ending inspiration, reminding us that we all have the ability to co-create our lives with limitless love and infinite expansion. If you are ready to embark on a journey of ascended growth, Christopher is the Guide you have been searching for.

  • Offerings

    Desired to strengthen your Intuitive Path of Ascension & Transformation into the Higher Realms? Book a Session with Christopher today!